grace in ACTION, usa

Wholistic churches impacting their communities through economic development.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Happy BLOG Birthday, grace in ACTION usa

And thanks Tom Avey for helping launch the grace in ACTION usa web log.

grace in ACTION usa was formed to inspire and assist churches that wish to impact their communities mainly through economic development. But it's much more than just creating jobs for people in need. It's changing lives from the inside out, as we teach and train, mentor and encourage in our Community Life Centers.

"Little did John Jacobson know when his employment as chief meteorologist for eastern Kentucky took him and his wife, Chris, to Jackson that God would plant them in the middle of a church were his theological training, missions, experience, and business expertise would make such an impact. (to read the complete story of giA's first business enterprise, go to and click on Helping Churches Through Economic Development.)

To borrow a phrase from The Home Depot, "They can do it; you can help!"

The Happy Ship & More store needs salable items in good condition. If you live in the midwest and would like to donate things like antiques, books, jewelry, vintage linens, collectibles, curios, new or slightly used clothing, electronic equipment, and anything unique, contact gladys deloe at for instructions. Your tax-deductible contributions will help support someone struggling to become whole. What a great birthday gift to them and grace in ACTION usa!

All together now, "Happy Birthday to you!"


  • At 2:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Let me be one of the first to wish GiA in USA a happy and BLESSED birthday! Been following this since God touched your heart to begin praying for such a venture. I praise God with you.
    sue from Centerville

  • At 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Way to Go, GiA!

    Gladys, the Happy Church's store provides a great opportunity for Women of Grace, WMC, and other women's groups to gather donations from their own churches and deliver the goods to Jackson, KY.

    Each item would be tax deductible and certainly assist the outreach ministries there.

    I hope you get many valuable responses.


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