grace in ACTION, usa

Wholistic churches impacting their communities through economic development.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas Letters

Christmas! When it comes right down to it, all that really matters is Jesus!
Have you ever analyzed the Christmas letters you receive? This year I’ve noticed some are an organ recital ~ you know, all about the past year’s surgeries. Others would win a grandchild bragging rights contest ~ hands down! Many center on the fantastic trips the family took since last they wrote. Jobs and career moves may be the focus of a few. Some are really fun to read and we look forward to receiving them each year. And then there are those from mission agencies with a return envelope enclosed! I won’t go there!

That said, I’ll bet you’re wondering what I’m going to write about, eh? Actually, I’ve been putting off writing a Christmas letter this year because I couldn’t think of anything I wanted to say. It's not that our year has been ordinary, to say the least. We completed our fiftieth year of marriage; traveled extensively; served on a mission team; and are working full time. Other than that ~~ ;-)

But, I don't want to talk about any of those things. I want to get all spiritual on you and talk about prayer. We're seeing some awesome changes because of a prayer revival!! We are priviledged to be a part of a prayer Task Force that's waiting on God to see our church become a House of Prayer. For several years we've prayed weekly with two groups that are eager to see God bring people to himself in North America and around the world through our prayers.

We're learning to "walk in the Lord's presence as we live here on earth." (Ps 116:9 nlt), talking with him (praying) about people and needs as the Spirit brings them to our minds. As I work on furnishing a prayer room at church, I'm compiling a prayer library and reading Discover the Power in the Prayers of Paul, by David Bordon. This wonderful treatise on the fifteen prayers of Paul is so good!! I recommend it.

I'm using a prayer edition of the Bible right now. It's full of sidebar insights and prayers using the scripture. There are prayer paths and other rich topical commentaries. It's just wonderful! Want to grow in your prayer life? It's a good place to start. I could go on and on.

One of the best Christmas gifts we ever received was daily prayer partners, the idea of our son, who asked seven friends to pray for us, each taking one day of the week. It's been such a joy for us to pray for them on "their day," assured they're doing the same for us. We've called on them often when we've faced big decisions, difficult times, and life threatening illness. They are our lifeline.

My prayer for you this year is that you get to know God and his son, Jesus, so well that it's second nature to talk to them. And that you and the Holy Spirit will become so close that you know exactly what he wants you to pray for.

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

My cup's running over!

Ever feel like things are so good you might burst? That's a wonderful thing! My life is that way these days, full of blessings ~ and I am thankful!! I'm not referring to material things, although I have more than I could ever hope for. I talking about spiritual blessings. My cup is running over. God is so good to me even when life is hard and unfair.

That's the way life is ~hard ~ and that's the way God is ~ good !!

Most of the world has never known anything remotely close to all the material blessings we as North Americans enjoy. That's also true of many people in your community and mine. Poverty is everywhere. Jesus reminded us that the poor would always be with us. Are you doing anything to relieve it?

grace in ACTION usa was created to assist those living in such sad conditions. It's a process which is very complex and takes a long time. It involves more than providing food and clothes; it means spending time with some pretty unlovely people in some very unlovely conditions. This week I took groceries for Thanksgiving dinner to a family like that. And I found myself hurrying out the door (to escape the dirt and smells) and wondering as I drove away how we could effect some lasting change for that family. If they had a new house, would it soon look like the trailer they now live in? Probably!

So what's the answer?

We at grace in ACTION usa have discovered parts of what it will take. Other ministry and social groups are putting effective methods to work. What GiA is learning through experience is that lasting change will come through the children. Will you pray as we prepare ways to help teach those trapped in poverty's cycle that there is another way? Thank you!!

Now I need to find a way to begin bringing a lasting change in the lives of the children in that trailer park.

Life is hard! But, you and I can show others that God is good!!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Feeling Hopeless?

I hope not! But if you are, here's a sure fire anitdote. It's so simple ~ yet so difficult! But it works every time.

Trust in God.

He's completely trustworthy.
He's in control.
He knows and wants what's best for you.

So why not trust him?

When Paul wrote to the Romans in chapter 15, he said, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Wow! That verse is just packed with wonderful things for you and me. Not only is there hope, there's joy and peace ~ guaranteed!

Paul knew that the result of trust is hope. As a matter of fact, you'll be full of hope as you trust in him. He also knew that you can't do it without some help. So he ends this verse with the "how to" secret...."by the power of the Holy Spirit!"

Here's the kicker. It's your choice! When you choose to trust, you also choose to stop worrying. You choose to give up control. You choose joy, peace, and hope. So, why wouldn't you choose to trust? I can't think of one good reason!

There are two things in this life you can control. One is your choices.

Want to know the other one? I'll write about that another time. ;-)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Wonder of Twelve

Have you ever stopped to ponder the wonder of twelve?

"Twelve what?", you ask.

Twelve tones!

The next time you listen to a favorite melody, attend the symphony, sing in the choir, play an instrument, or just hum a tune ~ stop to ponder this.

Somehow, in his astounding creative genius, God gave us ears to hear twelve individual tones. That's all ~ just twelve. Well, OK, maybe there are some tones somewhere in the cracks, but in the West, our scale contains only twelve different musical notes.

Twelve sounds from which mankind has in turn created a world full of music! We've made scales and chords; melodies and harmonies; sweet sounds and discord. Every single piece of music ever written, from Mary Had A Little Lamb, to Hayden's Messiah, all contain only twelve tones.

Isn't that awesome?

Don't let anyone tell you there is no God!

The Wonder of Twelve

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Disposable Living; Throw-away Lives

Jesse and I have been traveling, but you don't have to do that to realize that we're living in a world full of disposables.

Everywhere you go these days you see it! As a matter of fact I'm eating yogurt from a throw away container as I write this. Please note: I am not using a plastic spoon!! Just the other day I saw a mom in a restaurant peeling back the seal on a little container of what looked like strained peas, so she could feed her little one with a tiny disposable spoon.

No wonder the landfills are becoming mountains!

But ~ on the other hand, I guess we can think of all the jobs that have been created to recycle our throw-aways and invovative thought that's gone into developing things like lawn chairs made from plastic milk jugs. We do love those kinds of challenges! "What do you do for a living?" "I dream up ways to use the tons and tons of recycled paper in the world."

I'll have my coffee in a china cup, if you please ~ with a linen napkin, thank you!!

What really concerns me though, are the throw away lives that litter our streets, sleep under our bridges, and accumulate in rundown trailer parks. What are we doing to recycle these precious commodities? Who's dreaming up ways to take the trash these lives have become and make a brand new thing? Is such a thing even possible?

Yes, it is. With God, all things are possible. Here's an example.

One woman in Surrey, BC, saw some throw-away people sleeping in a snow bank. She said to God, "Someone needs to do something about that," and you guessed it ~ God said, "Yes, you should." Two and a half years later, NIGHTSHIFT is feeding between one and two hundred street people, on the sidewalk, every night of the year!! And slowly ~ ever so slowly ~ lives are being changed, one at a time. Thrown away men and women are seeing Christ in the hands and feet of hundreds of volunteers who make it all happen. During our ministry week in the Vancouver area, we had the privilege of helping feed and clothe the Thursday night group while we were in Surrey.

Some have become believers, several are in rehab, others returned to home and family. It's a painfully slow process, but praise God it's getting the attention of the Church in Surrey. Please pray that this godless city, that won't even acknowledge there are any throw-aways littering their streets, will begin to assist NIGHTSHIFT.

The vision and purpose of grace in ACTION usa is to see the kind of change in people's lives which turns these disposable, throw away people into a piece of priceless china. Will you help? How, you say? Find a throw-away near you and begin to pray for God to show you ways to reclaim that life for Christ!!

Monday, July 24, 2006

"Where two or three are gathered. . . "

Have you ever noticed that almost everyone has a prayer "formula." I just saw an ad for a book entitled, The Prayer That Changes Everything! One prayer will change everything!! Better send for that right away!!

I don't have a formula, but I have observed that Satan's unhappy with the prayer revival that's happening in The Church. That's the church, not your church or my church; The Church, universal. Thank God for this new burden that's sweeping Christendom.

I'm pleased to be part of a prayer group that focuses on praying for God's work in North America. We pray because "North America is the only continent where Christianity is not growing!" When the group began a few years ago, we often had 10 or 15 in attendance, over a lunch hour ~ and over 20 who received the requests via email.

In the last year, attendance had dwindled to six or seven regulars and then one by one, our faithful few began to die. There are now four who are able to attend regularly ~ and one of them has been struggling with the death of her dear husband (one of our group who just went to be with the Lord), so she's not been with us.

A couple of weeks ago Jesse and I were the only ones who prayed. "Where two or three.... ." So we "gathered together" and the Holy Spirit was right there, saying what we didn't know how to say and taking the longings of our hearts before the Father. Jesus was there, too, interceding at the throne. And the Father was dispatching his angels to do his work in answer to our prayers. Thank you! Thank you, God!!

Do you wonder why the scripture says "two or three?"

When I'm the only one left, will He be there with me?

You bet!!

P.S. There is still an email band of men and women who receive the North America Prayer Team requests weekly! Praise the Lord. He's at work, through our prayers.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Just Do It!!

I think my favorite advertising slogan is Nike's Just Do It!

How many books have been written, seminars conducted, or messages preached on any given topic which left you feeling more confused and guilty because you haven't been able to put into practice the things you learned at the last workshop? I know the feeling!

Often, it's that way with prayer, which is really what I want to talk about. I recall distinctly a day long seminar on prayer we attended years ago when we spent no time praying!! We have to decide what prayer is; when we must spend time praying ; (If you don't do it the first thing in the morning, you may as well write off the day.) the room, position, order of contents, etc, etc.

When was the last time you talked to your father, husband, wife, sister, son or daughter? Did you go through a laundry list of dos and don'ts before you began the conversation? Not likely.... especially if you have a good relationship with the one you're talking to. You just did it!!

So, talk to your heavenly Father that way! Day or night; morning or evening; long talks or short! In depth discussions about a big decision; concerns about your next move; intercession for a friend or a ministry! When the news is good; when it's unbearable! When he gives and when he takes it all away. When the Holy Spirit's bringing someone to mind you haven't thought of in years. May your first response be to pray!

Praying is like many things in life ~ you don't realize how great it is until you begin to do it.