grace in ACTION, usa

Wholistic churches impacting their communities through economic development.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

My cup's running over!

Ever feel like things are so good you might burst? That's a wonderful thing! My life is that way these days, full of blessings ~ and I am thankful!! I'm not referring to material things, although I have more than I could ever hope for. I talking about spiritual blessings. My cup is running over. God is so good to me even when life is hard and unfair.

That's the way life is ~hard ~ and that's the way God is ~ good !!

Most of the world has never known anything remotely close to all the material blessings we as North Americans enjoy. That's also true of many people in your community and mine. Poverty is everywhere. Jesus reminded us that the poor would always be with us. Are you doing anything to relieve it?

grace in ACTION usa was created to assist those living in such sad conditions. It's a process which is very complex and takes a long time. It involves more than providing food and clothes; it means spending time with some pretty unlovely people in some very unlovely conditions. This week I took groceries for Thanksgiving dinner to a family like that. And I found myself hurrying out the door (to escape the dirt and smells) and wondering as I drove away how we could effect some lasting change for that family. If they had a new house, would it soon look like the trailer they now live in? Probably!

So what's the answer?

We at grace in ACTION usa have discovered parts of what it will take. Other ministry and social groups are putting effective methods to work. What GiA is learning through experience is that lasting change will come through the children. Will you pray as we prepare ways to help teach those trapped in poverty's cycle that there is another way? Thank you!!

Now I need to find a way to begin bringing a lasting change in the lives of the children in that trailer park.

Life is hard! But, you and I can show others that God is good!!


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