The Wonder of Twelve
"Twelve what?", you ask.
Twelve tones!
The next time you listen to a favorite melody, attend the symphony, sing in the choir, play an instrument, or just hum a tune ~ stop to ponder this.
Somehow, in his astounding creative genius, God gave us ears to hear twelve individual tones. That's all ~ just twelve. Well, OK, maybe there are some tones somewhere in the cracks, but in the West, our scale contains only twelve different musical notes.
Twelve sounds from which mankind has in turn created a world full of music! We've made scales and chords; melodies and harmonies; sweet sounds and discord. Every single piece of music ever written, from Mary Had A Little Lamb, to Hayden's Messiah, all contain only twelve tones.
Isn't that awesome?
Don't let anyone tell you there is no God!
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