American IdolS
But they certainly have the title right ~ "American Idol."
We, that is to say, the human race, have been creating idols since time began. In spite of the first and second commandments, we continue to worship other gods ~ ones of our own making. God must be saying, "What about 'Do not worship any other gods besides me' and 'Don't make idols of any kind' don't you understand?"
Last week I heard portions of a radio interview with author Bob Hostetler, whose latest book is entitled American Idols. Each chapter of this book confronts an idol we've set up for ourselves. The internet review by the publisher, Broadman and Holman, says: "The golden calf of Bible times may be gone, but in its place today are enslavements to consumerism, celebrity, sexual freedom, easy religion, and more." Aren't we just like the people of Israel who took what they had, made an idol, and worshipped it? We just don't bother to melt it down before we bow down.
Some time ago I discovered a very powerful verse which has helped me see how foolish it is to worship things instead of God. Jonah said this from the belly of the fish. Those who cling to worthless idols, forfeit the grace that could be theirs." Jonah 2:8 Aha! I need God's grace for each day; I need a special measure of that grace for tough times; I want to share God's grace with others ~ but my hands are full and clinging to so much other worthless stuff that there's no room for his grace.
What's in your hands? Are you clinging to the stuff of this world, afraid to let go and yet needing God's grace in your life? Are you bowing down to money and the things it can buy? Or are there people in your life who take precedence over the Lord? Have you set up an altar where you spend time and come away empty? I hope not. I pray you're finding the joy of letting go of the worthless things you once thought so vital to your life and grasping the grace he's offering you.
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