So, why do you work?
I hope you're not one of the millions who go through day after day with little or no purpose for your job other than bringing home a paycheck.
All we do in life should have purpose. Otherwise, why are you and I here? The great, overarching purpose that all of us should fulfill is "To glorify God and praise Him forever." But sadly, many never come to the place where they even know how to have a relationship with God, let alone glorify him or find the purpose he has for their lives. Since most of us have to work, wouldn't it be wonderful to have a reason for that 9 to 5 other than some monotonous routine ~ or even those challenging daily tasks that we may truly enjoy?
My friend, Chuck Proudfit, was that way until he decided to bring purpose to his work. As a matter of fact, he created a way to help us all see that work can bring us joy and satisfaction as well as further the Kingdom. He calls it At Work On Purpose! The idea is to bring ministry to the marketplace. If you'd like to know more, visit his website,
Chuck and Jeff Greer, from Self-Sustaining Enterprises, have another brainchild they call Biznistries. The name is registered, so don't get any ideas! ;=) If you use profits from your business to support a ministry, you already have a biznistry. What a great idea! Having a business with a purpose makes going to work worthwhile.
So why are you working? What are you doing with all that money? What's the purpose in it all? Consider the possibilities of being at work on purpose or of making your business a Biznistry!
The scripture that guides grace in ACTION usa is 2 Cor 9:11, "You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion." It has been my personal experience that when I purpose to be as generous as possible on every occasion ~ there's always enough in my wallet for my needs.
Why don't you try it? You'll never have to ask yourself, "So why am I working?"
At 6:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am a Grace student and heard from Mike Tabor about Jackson KY this past fall. I am interested in going there for my cross-cultural experience and discussed this with him. He asked me to contact when I was ready to schedule a time; however I have no contact information. Could you provide me with an email address or some other way of contact? My name is Andy Miller and my email is and my xanga ( a kind of blog) is Let me know if there is any way I can be of assistance to you as well! Best of luck in your ministry ahead of you!!!
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