grace in ACTION, usa

Wholistic churches impacting their communities through economic development.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Empty purses!

Jesse and I are in Raleigh, NC. We're here attending the celebration of what God's done at Hope Community Church through his servants Mike and Laura Lee. This morning they'll dedicate the 90,000 square foot building God has given them. Last night there was a reception to honor those who have sacrificed in order to build a place where families can find God.

Our hotel is next to a beautiful mall. Yesterday we spent a few hours there ~ of course. Each time I shop, even in the grocery store, I'm more and more aware of all the stuff that's available. There's so much stuff available now that enterprising capitalists have created storage containers of shapes and sizes in which to store all that stuff! I heard someone say the other day that they had just come from "Stuff-mart". Too true.

As we walked through the purse department, it hit me again! How many purses does one person need? Key word, need! You can find a purse in every size and color. A purse for each outfit. Purses for day time and evening. I wonder how much time women spend transferring the contents of their purses from one to the other? Do you suppose they're loaded and ready to go?

You can pay a fortune for a name leather purse. And of course, you can get them in "knock-offs". By the time you buy all those purses, you have no money left to put in them. Empty purses! What an irony! Empty purses. Are they a picture of our empty lives? I think so.

If my purse is empty, I want it to be because my life is full of ways to give away all I have.

Are you wondering how many purses I have? Two. I think I'm going to send one of them to Jackson, KY for them to sell on eBay! I've only used it twice.


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