grace in ACTION, usa

Wholistic churches impacting their communities through economic development.

Friday, January 20, 2006

At Work In Pajamas?

Are you one of those enterprising people who've set up a home office? It's not just a place where you retreat to pay bills or read a good book. It's where you actually run your business. Well, more power to you!

With apologies to my friend Chuck Proudfit who created At Work On Purpose (AWOP), let me introduce you to AWIP...At Work In Pajamas. You've seen the commercials; the woman's at the computer ~ in her pajamas ~ there's a baby in a carrier (hopefully asleep); another child plays nearby; and the buzzer's going off because it's time to take the cookies out of the oven. And the ad is telling you how great it is to do things this way.

And heaven forbid your business has customers who come to the house. "Just a minute! I have to put the dog out." "Here, let me clear these papers off the couch so you can sit down." "I know I have your file here somewhere." "Tabby ~ get off the table!" I decided to use another caterer.

Maybe it works for a few super moms and dads, but I'm discovering it helps to be focused. This week I've determined that I will not stop in the laundry (which is right outside the office door) to throw some clothes in the dryer. I will stay focused until the day's work is complete. As a matter of fact, I did such a good job of focusing, I forgot to do the laundry at all.

When grace in ACTION usa conducts it Jobs Skills training, working in your pajamas will be strongly discouraged. It is our purpose to "enable personal development through education, training, funding assistance, and accountability and educate those who wish to work by providing opportunities to learn employable skills and principles of ownership." With God's help, this will empower people to achieve the dignity which motivates them to get up, get dressed, and get to work.

Are you AWIP? Try getting dressed, being focused, and AWOP.


  • At 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hmmm, no pajamas? Oh well. Nice blog!


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