grace in ACTION, usa

Wholistic churches impacting their communities through economic development.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Why DO You Go To Work?

Well, a guy's got to eat, right? I hope you have more reason than that for getting up every morning! Would you like to go to work on purpose?

Last Saturday, Jesse and I attended an At Work on Purpose event. This fast moving and challenging time was filled with interviews and breakout sessions, when men and women explained how they have defined their purpose and the results they are seeing from lives which are committed to being "at work on purpose."

AWOP ~ not to be confused with AWIP (At Work in Pajamas) ~ which was a topic for consideration on this blog previously, has vision and values similar to those of grace in ACTION usa. They want to impact communities with the love of Christ by "infiltrating the workplace" with men and women who live out their faith in the marketplace. Their goal is "blurring the boundaries between marketplace and ministry, assisting Christians in living out their faith through their work." AWOP wants you to add a new dimension to your work world.

Imagine going to work each day with the goal of using Biblically work ethics and actually serving your fellow employee. Think about the difference it would make if your attitude was the personal and professional growth of those around you and not just your own. Consider the joy you'll experience when others respond to the concern you show for them when you offer your help.

Now take a moment to contemplate the benefits of profit sharing your income with God. AWOP encourages business owners to become BIZNISTRIES*, that is, a business whose profits support a ministry. What a great purpose for working!

So, why do you go to work? Tomorrow, why not go to work on purpose?


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