What Was God Thinking? Bono at the Prayer Breakfast!!
It's hard to tell who's faith is real and who's trusting in some false god. And sometimes, we totally misjudge a person's understanding of "the faith", when they don't use the same "christianeze" we do. But when you hear a person pray, it reveals a lot about how well they know the one to whom they're speaking. I learned a lot today, listening to others share their faith stories and pray.
But ~ wait just a minute!! Bono a main speaker at The Presidential Prayer Breakfast?. I can imagine that thousands of TV screens went black about then, and fundamentalists everywhere were incensed! I've only heard of Bono from the mainstream media. He's an Irish rock star from the group U2, I think! He's given millions of his own money and raised millions more to help the ease the pain and suffering on the continent of Africa. Wouldn't Jim Hocking like to tap into those resources for ICDI?
Once he got over the embarrassment of being asked to speak at such an event and began to open his heart of compassion for the poor, there was little doubt about where Bono was coming from. He knew more about Jesus' concern for the poor than most Evangelical Christians I know. He knew the scriptural teachings and how much of the Word deals with our attitude and care of those who can not help themselves. Not only that ~ he's doing something about it!
And would you believe he told that room full of politicians they should be tithing? Bono said he was really surprised when he learned how much Americans tithed. Then he chided our country's leaders for giving only 1% of the nation's budget to help the poor and challeged them to add one percent more in the coming year. By the way, 1% of the budget is 26 billion dollars.
One of Bono's closing quotew truly impacted me. "Stop asking God to bless what you're doing. Get involved in what God's doing; it's already blessed." That's what I want for grace in ACTION.
What did God think about The Presidential Prayer Breakfast? You'll have to ask him!
At 2:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for posting this!
At 10:07 AM,
GR said…
"Then he chided our country's leaders for giving only 1% of the nation's budget to help the poor and challeged them to add one percent more in the coming year. By the way, 1% of the budget is 26 billion dollars."
if only that 26 billion was left in the hands of the taxpayers...maybe they would be more motivated to help the poor themselves.
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