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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Devotions, or DEVOTION??

Are you a checklist Christian? Many of us like to have a list of things we should (or shouldn't) do. That makes it easy to know if we're on track or not. But that begs the question, "Who's going to make the list?"

Our pastor's preaching through I Thessalonians. This Sunday he encouraged us to move past checklists to an attitude toward life, which Paul sets out in chapter five. The attitude we should have is one of expectant living ~ "Always be joyful." (vs 16); dependent living ~ "Keep on praying." (vs 17); and grateful living ~ "...always be thankful." (vs 18.) Good stuff, pastor!

"Doing" devotions may be very near the top of most Christian's checklists. We've been told by very well-meaning authors and speakers just how and when to "do" our devotions. Some even dictate where. You should always sit in the same place. And woe betide anyone who misses a day. These directives come right from Scripture, of course and serve as a great motivator!! ;-) (I hope by now you understand my tongue in cheek comments.)

Dear reader, I submit to you that a life of devotion (which includes "doing" devotions) should be your desire. Checklist Christians may find themselves justifying some rather ungodly attitudes and behaviors during the day because they "did" their devotions that morning. Somehow what they read didn't connect to what they said. I'm afraid that many times the time spent reading and praying has too little impact in our daily lives.

Living a life of devotion will begin to influence everything you do and say as you adopt the attitude toward life that Paul commanded. Soon you'll find yourself going through your day expectantly, dependently and gratefully! What a great way to live.

Don't just "do" your devotions anymore! Begin to live a life of devotion!


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