grace in ACTION, usa

Wholistic churches impacting their communities through economic development.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

If You Build It, They Will Come!

It's almost like the movie, "Field of Dreams."

In the three weeks since Hope Community Church opened their auditorium~worship center, attendance has increased by 600. Not to 600, but by 600! The 1450 seat auditorium is filled to capacity twice on Sunday mornings. Then there are the hundreds of children and workers. The staff is already contemplating when they'll schedule a third service. Parking is their biggest problem, eased by a host of volunteers manning the parking lots and shuttling people to and from the satellite parking areas.

What's the secret? As you can imagine, it's not just one thing. But I think Pastor Mike Lee nailed it when he pointed out this lesson from Jesus' ministry in Mark, chapter 3. "Meeting needs always results in a broader scope of ministry."

I mentioned in a previous blog the necessity for "putting your money where your mouth is." James said it much more graciously in chapter 2, verses 15 & 16. Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it?

This is what motivates grace in ACTION usa. Our vision is to see churches and/or groups of believers leverage Christ into their communities by meeting their needs. Beyond that, our goal is to help them assist people who want to be able to meet their own needs ~ and while helping them, introduce them to Christ. We see Community Life Centers as venues where these very things can happen.

Come to think of it, that's what Hope Community Church is ~ a Community Life Center. For example, Moms can bring their children to the "recycled" McDonald playland, buy a cup of gourmet coffee (or even lunch), and visit while their children play. College students have their own "hang out" with computer hook-ups for study, lounges, big-screen TV and a laundry room! "The Gathering Place" with it's own coffee shop, serves lunches daily, and breakfast on Sunday. There are scores of classes and small groups for singles, seekers, and seniors! It's a center for community life.

The Community Life Centers GiA plans to help begin will include classes in job and life skills which are appropriate for each community they serve. Emphasis will be given to teaching children how to have a productive life when they're grown. Basic education skills and remedial tutoring will be offered. Does that get your juices going? I hope so!! We'll be looking for volunteers!

That's our "field of dreams"... . Please pray with us for prepared hearts so that "when we build it, they will come."


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