Passing the Love Along . . .
It began when a dear friend gave me a "Love Journal" on Valentine's Day. It's a lovely, little spiral bound volume of empty, pink pages with red hearts scattered here and there. She wrote me a touching note (in red ink) ~ she's so artful ; tucked it in an appropriate gift bag; and left it on my doorstep, along with a beautiful miniature red rose bush.
Well, the rose has died ~ sorry, my friend! I've tried several times to keep those dear little beauties alive and failed every time. This one lasted longer than most, though! And I've been pondering the journal, because, you see, I'm not a journaler. I like to blame it on my creative and spontaneous DNA, which translated probably means my lack of discipline. I just can't get into it. This blog is the closest I've come to any kind of journaling ~ and you see how infrequently I come back to it. Actually, I love blogging because it allows me to be both creative and spontaneous.
Back to "What should I do with the journal?" and "Passing the Love Along."
I've decided to follow my friend's lead and write a love note to another dear friend. I'm going to give her the journal in hopes that she'll do the same thing, and see where it ends up.
These days people need to know they're loved. It certainly encouraged me to read the kind and loving words my friend penned to me. As much as I think no one's paying attention to what I do and say, her note made me realize anew that my life impacts others in many ways as they watch my actions and re-actions! I pray they see more of Christ than of me!
grace in ACTION usa is "in the business" of passing the love along. GiA has chosen to look for groups of underpriviledged who need love, encouragment, training, and help just to make it in this unloving world. We also purpose to tuck the love of Christ in every class and with each dollar invested. But I'm certain I don't have to go to Kentucky, or some US inner city, or even Central Africa to find someone who needs to know they're loved; I could go right across the street or around the corner and share my love and His with them. I could ~ but will I?
Wonder where the Love Journal will end up? Guess I'll write my address in the back and see if it ever finds its way back. In the meantime, I'll find someone who needs to hear, "I love and appreciate you, " and pass the love along.
At 10:27 AM,
Terry White said…
Touching! Thanks.
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