grace in ACTION, usa

Wholistic churches impacting their communities through economic development.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Jesse and I are really struggling with our weight these days. Struggling to get into our pants ~ struggling to button shirts and jackets ~ struggling to cut back on portions again! Good food is such a pleasure!!

So when we see people who are about twice our size, it's easy to say, "Maybe I'm not too fat after all." Aside ....I'm not too fat, I'm just too short! Actually, I'm a perfect size 8, but I keep it covered with a layer of fat to protect it. (That's my favorite.) ;-)

Funny how we choose to compare ourselves with others when the comparison makes us look good. Rarely do I measure my size in comparison with a slim and trim woman.

We often make wrong assessments of ourselves and others when it comes to money and the things money can buy, too. We look at others who have more than we do and find a "poor me" attitude creeping into our hearts. What kind of attitude would we have if we compared what we have to the world of poverty we live in ~ often right across the street?

It's the same way when it comes to spiritual matters, isn't it? Compared to that brother or sister, I look pretty good. At least I'm not doing that!!

OK! You get the point ~ at least I hope so. We're comparing ourselves, our wealth, our spiritual maturity to the wrong standard! Scripture is the only measument we should use. The attitude of Jesus toward life and possessions is the pattern we must follow.

Impossible? Without the help of the Holy Spirit, whose purpose is to "conform us to the image of his son," it is.

"Holy Spirit, please help me be more like Christ at the end of this day than I am this morning. Let me compare myself to his words, his thoughts, his attitudes and actions! Amen.


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