Could your computer problems have anything to do with the HOURS you were trying to work: 3:51 a.m., 4:44 a.m., 5:15 a.m.? ...not aproblem for the computer, but possibly for its operator:)
Well, now that I posted that last comment at 10:46 and it registered at 7:46 on your blog...I'd like to retract it." Maybe it really WAS the computer, and not the operator!!
My Personal Mission Statement is "Serving Those Who Serve." I am passionate about learning and changing; prayer; Southern Gospel Music, and sports. In the past I have taught classroom & choral music, as well as piano. I have served as Director of Women's Ministries in my home church, and as Administrative Assistant to Ed Lewis, at CE National. Professionally, I practice and teach Reflexology, a therapeutic hand and foot massage. I enjoy singing in the WLGBC Celebratoin Choirs. In 2005 I founded grace in ACTION usa, which I presently serve as president. Jesse and I are in our 50th year of marriage. We have two sons, Christopher who's married to Mary, and Jonathan, who's wife's name is Holli. We are the proud grandparents of three wonderful children, Prince William, Prince Andrew, and Princess Kate.
At 7:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Could your computer problems have anything to do with the HOURS you were trying to work: 3:51 a.m., 4:44 a.m., 5:15 a.m.? ...not aproblem for the computer, but possibly for its operator:)
At 7:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well, now that I posted that last comment at 10:46 and it registered at 7:46 on your blog...I'd like to retract it." Maybe it really WAS the computer, and not the operator!!
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