grace in ACTION, usa

Wholistic churches impacting their communities through economic development.

Monday, July 24, 2006

"Where two or three are gathered. . . "

Have you ever noticed that almost everyone has a prayer "formula." I just saw an ad for a book entitled, The Prayer That Changes Everything! One prayer will change everything!! Better send for that right away!!

I don't have a formula, but I have observed that Satan's unhappy with the prayer revival that's happening in The Church. That's the church, not your church or my church; The Church, universal. Thank God for this new burden that's sweeping Christendom.

I'm pleased to be part of a prayer group that focuses on praying for God's work in North America. We pray because "North America is the only continent where Christianity is not growing!" When the group began a few years ago, we often had 10 or 15 in attendance, over a lunch hour ~ and over 20 who received the requests via email.

In the last year, attendance had dwindled to six or seven regulars and then one by one, our faithful few began to die. There are now four who are able to attend regularly ~ and one of them has been struggling with the death of her dear husband (one of our group who just went to be with the Lord), so she's not been with us.

A couple of weeks ago Jesse and I were the only ones who prayed. "Where two or three.... ." So we "gathered together" and the Holy Spirit was right there, saying what we didn't know how to say and taking the longings of our hearts before the Father. Jesus was there, too, interceding at the throne. And the Father was dispatching his angels to do his work in answer to our prayers. Thank you! Thank you, God!!

Do you wonder why the scripture says "two or three?"

When I'm the only one left, will He be there with me?

You bet!!

P.S. There is still an email band of men and women who receive the North America Prayer Team requests weekly! Praise the Lord. He's at work, through our prayers.


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