grace in ACTION, usa

Wholistic churches impacting their communities through economic development.

Sunday, May 28, 2006


A recent 24/7 news channel (looking for new news...a good subject for another day) was doing a feature on the size home you should own during each decade of life. Would you believe they recommended downsizing when you're in your 50's!! Gasp!! I know some people in their 8o's who aren't ready to even think about it! The motives they gave, though completely financial, were really good. So! Are you ready to get rid of some "stuff?"

I suppose my aversion to accumulating things comes from the fact that my mother's generation saved everything! For her it was every bit of string, old newspapers, years of out dated phone books, furniture from people who had died; some whom she didn't even know!!. There was stuff in every nook and cranny of her twelve room house, not to mention several square thousand feet of barn/garage.

There are other reasons that I discard things.....I'm not sentimental about the past; I love new days, new challenges, and looking ahead. That's just who I am. But Jesse and I became intentional about downsizing a few years ago, and we love it. When Jesse had his last triple bi-pass surgery with a difficult recovery, we decided it was time to unload. There were also stewardship reasons for taking this next step. Having and using less for ourselves means we have more time and money for ministry, and that is important to us. It's also a gift to our children. They won't have to throw away nearly much as my sister and I did. ;-)

Is that verse which says to be content when you have enough to eat and clothes to wear still in your Bible? Or does your version say be content when you have a big house, two cars, a boat, membership in the . . . ?

Lately I've noticed how many people older than we who are still hanging on to their possessions. It's obvious when you hear them talk about how hard it is to take care of a big house, the yard, roof leaks, buying more equipment, and hiring help that they're not really enjoying it all that much any more. And it's costing a good bit, too. If they only knew how much freedom and contentment they'd get from having less, they'd start tomorrow!

It really hit me last week when grace in ACTION usa sent a 16' truck full of discards to Jackson, KY. We have so much we give away our garage sale left-overs. Something's wrong with that picture, my friend.

Are you discontented? Do you wish you had more time and money? Maybe you should consider downsizing. Try it! You'll like it!!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

American IdolS

It's hard for me to believe that 55 million people have been caught up in something as frivolous as a TV show which focuses on the talent (or lack thereof) of people who may or may not be able to sing.

But they certainly have the title right ~ "American Idol."

We, that is to say, the human race, have been creating idols since time began. In spite of the first and second commandments, we continue to worship other gods ~ ones of our own making. God must be saying, "What about 'Do not worship any other gods besides me' and 'Don't make idols of any kind' don't you understand?"

Last week I heard portions of a radio interview with author Bob Hostetler, whose latest book is entitled American Idols. Each chapter of this book confronts an idol we've set up for ourselves. The internet review by the publisher, Broadman and Holman, says: "The golden calf of Bible times may be gone, but in its place today are enslavements to consumerism, celebrity, sexual freedom, easy religion, and more." Aren't we just like the people of Israel who took what they had, made an idol, and worshipped it? We just don't bother to melt it down before we bow down.

Some time ago I discovered a very powerful verse which has helped me see how foolish it is to worship things instead of God. Jonah said this from the belly of the fish. Those who cling to worthless idols, forfeit the grace that could be theirs." Jonah 2:8 Aha! I need God's grace for each day; I need a special measure of that grace for tough times; I want to share God's grace with others ~ but my hands are full and clinging to so much other worthless stuff that there's no room for his grace.

What's in your hands? Are you clinging to the stuff of this world, afraid to let go and yet needing God's grace in your life? Are you bowing down to money and the things it can buy? Or are there people in your life who take precedence over the Lord? Have you set up an altar where you spend time and come away empty? I hope not. I pray you're finding the joy of letting go of the worthless things you once thought so vital to your life and grasping the grace he's offering you.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Jesse and I are really struggling with our weight these days. Struggling to get into our pants ~ struggling to button shirts and jackets ~ struggling to cut back on portions again! Good food is such a pleasure!!

So when we see people who are about twice our size, it's easy to say, "Maybe I'm not too fat after all." Aside ....I'm not too fat, I'm just too short! Actually, I'm a perfect size 8, but I keep it covered with a layer of fat to protect it. (That's my favorite.) ;-)

Funny how we choose to compare ourselves with others when the comparison makes us look good. Rarely do I measure my size in comparison with a slim and trim woman.

We often make wrong assessments of ourselves and others when it comes to money and the things money can buy, too. We look at others who have more than we do and find a "poor me" attitude creeping into our hearts. What kind of attitude would we have if we compared what we have to the world of poverty we live in ~ often right across the street?

It's the same way when it comes to spiritual matters, isn't it? Compared to that brother or sister, I look pretty good. At least I'm not doing that!!

OK! You get the point ~ at least I hope so. We're comparing ourselves, our wealth, our spiritual maturity to the wrong standard! Scripture is the only measument we should use. The attitude of Jesus toward life and possessions is the pattern we must follow.

Impossible? Without the help of the Holy Spirit, whose purpose is to "conform us to the image of his son," it is.

"Holy Spirit, please help me be more like Christ at the end of this day than I am this morning. Let me compare myself to his words, his thoughts, his attitudes and actions! Amen.

You will be made rich. . .

Want to get rich? You will be made rich. That grabs your attention, doesn't it? No, it wasn't written on a strip of paper in a fortune cookie. Paul wrote this to the Corinthians in his second letter. "You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion." 2 Cor 9:11

Want to be remembered? In the same paragraph Paul reminded his friends of something they had probably heard at synagogue from Psalm 112. "Godly people give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will never be forgotten."

Want to be rewarded? Then Paul ices the cake with this. "...when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will break out in thanksgiving to God!" Those in need are helped by your generosity and God receives the glory. What better reward could there be?

This principle is key to the ministry of grace in ACTION usa. Because, you see, we are the rich! You and I, who make more than $15,000 annually, are in the top 1% economically. The rest of the world are the poor. Many in third world countries make on average a dollar a day! Some of the poor live in your own back yard, or in the next county, or in Jackson, Kentucky, reputed to be the second poorest county in the US.

So ask yourself, "Why do I want to be made rich? Is it so I can be generous on every occasion?" I pray it is.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Women in Ministry

Over the years I suppose some would say that I've ridden several "hobby horses." As I think back, it's because of the particular chapter of life I was in at the time. One thing that's always been close to my heart, however, is women in ministry.

Don't misunderstand me now! The subject is not female pastors; it's women who minister in a professional way, whether paid to do so or not. You must know dozens of them. Some serve along side their husbands; some are single. Many teach ~ often in a location where there is no man to do so. Others lead ministries to women. I am priviledged to know women whose jobs are clerical and who fulfill their roles in such a way that we must consider them to be women in ministry. We certainly can't overlook the army of women who lead, direct, plan, serve meals, clean, (the list is endless) in your church and mine. They are truly women in ministry!

One of my favorite authors, Carolyn Custis James, has introduced me to new and deeper concepts regarding women who minister. Using the lives of Mary and Martha, shes challenges us to become women who know and understand God as theologians. She writes: "Theology manifests itself in everything we do, and God invests our slightest actions with enormous significance, because we do it all for him. Martha was back in the kitchen because good theology finds expression in service and ministry to others, no matter what form that ministry takes." Her conclusion can be wrapped up in the statement, "...every woman’s first and highest calling is to become a great theologian."

I have a question for you. Who ministers to the women who minister? Has anyone thought of creating a Women in Ministry Appreciation Month ~ or even day? Women in ministry who serve in paid or unpaid positions, have some special needs which are often overlooked. It's difficult ~ sometimes impossible ~ for them to find a listening ear or shoulder to cry on. Very few, if any, realize the need to provide ways and means when women in ministry can be encouraged by special times of fellowship, study, and just a good time. Some have tried to address such needs and I applaud them.

So, today I celebrate Women in Ministry! As a matter of fact ~ I think I'll declare this month Women in Ministry Appreciation Month! So call a the church secretary, your favorite Bible study leader, or your pastor's wife and take her to lunch. It's your turn to be a woman in ministry.

Friday, May 05, 2006

I don't get it ~

So there I was, trying to figure out what I'd just written and lost, when suddenly! Jazaam!! There it was again!

I don't get it ~ but I love it.

OK! OK! I'll sign up for a class.

A Look in the Mirror

A few years ago, the teens from our church came home from their national youth convention with a new song which they promptly taught the rest of us. The first line of the chorus is, "I'm coming back to the heart of worship and it's all about you, Lord; it's all about you."

In his tiny book on music, Ron Bible writes: "Worship is a reflection of God." I heartily agree ~ that is what it's supposed to be. But I've discovered that most of us have the mirror backwards . When we look in the worship mirror, all we see is ourselves, and not God. No wonder there's so much division about what we call worship. . . we have the backside of the mirror pointed at the God of the universe whose first commandment is "Do not worship any other gods but me." (NLT)

We are holding the mirror up to ourselves and singing, "It's all about me, Lord; it's all about me."

He alone is worthy of our attention, praise, and adoration. He alone can satisfy the deep longings we have. He alone can heal the wounded hearts, shattered dreams, and broken lives. He alone can free us from sin and its deceptions which keep us from true worship.

At the risk of sounding self-righteous, may I ask you a couple of questions? Are you the center of your universe? Does your life revolve around nothing but I, me, my, and mine? Stop and listen to yourself sometime and reflect on how many times you use those personal pronouns as you go through the day. Perhaps that reflection reveals how we're holding the worship mirror.

"I'm coming back to the heart of worship, and it's all about you, Lord; it's all about you."

What do you see when you look in the mirror?

Lost in cyber space. . .

How frustrating!

I'm working at my husband's laptop. It must be female ~ it's so sensitive!

You see, I was trying to complete a new blog entry and suddently I breathed on the keyboard and "poof" ~ it was gone.

I love computers and the technology that somehow wisks my words out into space for you to read. But it as the saying goes, "I know just enough to be dangerous," and today I've experience the result of that lack of knowledge.

I should take a class, but I'm too busy writing! ;-)

So, I'll try to recreate what I was saying before I forget it completely.

You can hardly wait ~ right?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Passing the Love Along . . .

. . . to my brother; passing the love along." Do you remember an old Southern Gospel song by that title? Or was it passing the faith along? Either way, it's something I've been giving some thought to recently.

It began when a dear friend gave me a "Love Journal" on Valentine's Day. It's a lovely, little spiral bound volume of empty, pink pages with red hearts scattered here and there. She wrote me a touching note (in red ink) ~ she's so artful ; tucked it in an appropriate gift bag; and left it on my doorstep, along with a beautiful miniature red rose bush.

Well, the rose has died ~ sorry, my friend! I've tried several times to keep those dear little beauties alive and failed every time. This one lasted longer than most, though! And I've been pondering the journal, because, you see, I'm not a journaler. I like to blame it on my creative and spontaneous DNA, which translated probably means my lack of discipline. I just can't get into it. This blog is the closest I've come to any kind of journaling ~ and you see how infrequently I come back to it. Actually, I love blogging because it allows me to be both creative and spontaneous.

Back to "What should I do with the journal?" and "Passing the Love Along."

I've decided to follow my friend's lead and write a love note to another dear friend. I'm going to give her the journal in hopes that she'll do the same thing, and see where it ends up.

These days people need to know they're loved. It certainly encouraged me to read the kind and loving words my friend penned to me. As much as I think no one's paying attention to what I do and say, her note made me realize anew that my life impacts others in many ways as they watch my actions and re-actions! I pray they see more of Christ than of me!

grace in ACTION usa is "in the business" of passing the love along. GiA has chosen to look for groups of underpriviledged who need love, encouragment, training, and help just to make it in this unloving world. We also purpose to tuck the love of Christ in every class and with each dollar invested. But I'm certain I don't have to go to Kentucky, or some US inner city, or even Central Africa to find someone who needs to know they're loved; I could go right across the street or around the corner and share my love and His with them. I could ~ but will I?

Wonder where the Love Journal will end up? Guess I'll write my address in the back and see if it ever finds its way back. In the meantime, I'll find someone who needs to hear, "I love and appreciate you, " and pass the love along.