grace in ACTION, usa

Wholistic churches impacting their communities through economic development.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Why DO You Go To Work?

Well, a guy's got to eat, right? I hope you have more reason than that for getting up every morning! Would you like to go to work on purpose?

Last Saturday, Jesse and I attended an At Work on Purpose event. This fast moving and challenging time was filled with interviews and breakout sessions, when men and women explained how they have defined their purpose and the results they are seeing from lives which are committed to being "at work on purpose."

AWOP ~ not to be confused with AWIP (At Work in Pajamas) ~ which was a topic for consideration on this blog previously, has vision and values similar to those of grace in ACTION usa. They want to impact communities with the love of Christ by "infiltrating the workplace" with men and women who live out their faith in the marketplace. Their goal is "blurring the boundaries between marketplace and ministry, assisting Christians in living out their faith through their work." AWOP wants you to add a new dimension to your work world.

Imagine going to work each day with the goal of using Biblically work ethics and actually serving your fellow employee. Think about the difference it would make if your attitude was the personal and professional growth of those around you and not just your own. Consider the joy you'll experience when others respond to the concern you show for them when you offer your help.

Now take a moment to contemplate the benefits of profit sharing your income with God. AWOP encourages business owners to become BIZNISTRIES*, that is, a business whose profits support a ministry. What a great purpose for working!

So, why do you go to work? Tomorrow, why not go to work on purpose?

Friday, January 27, 2006

On The Right Track

Does it encourage you when someone else has the same idea as you? It does me!!

When God, by his Holy Spirit, began to talk to me about Economic Development through churches, I had no idea He had been speaking to others in the Body about the same things. I've been confirmed, amazed, and truly encouraged to see how many ways one basic idea is being developed all over the world.

May I introduce you to some of them?

In the space of two short years, God has worked mightily through an organization called Integrated Community Develpment Int'l. (ICDI). This ministry was begun to help the absolutely destitute men and women in Central Africa have at least enough money to buy a bit of wood for a fire where they can cook the day's meager food supply. Through ICDI, wells are providing pure water and people are learning the importance of clean water for good health. They are also helping with AIDS education and orphan care. Want to know more? Go to

Self-Sustaining Enterprises (SSE) began in the mind of a remarkable pastor in Mason, Ohio. Jeff Greer's mind, heart, and enthusiasm are truly contagious! SSE is providing employment opportunities and partnering with other creative Christian entrepreneurs from Mason to Nigeria. We began to network with SSE soon after GiA began and I'm eager to see what God has for us to do together. Their website is

Another wonderful organization is Christian Community Development Ass'n. CCDA's program in centered around "planting" Christians in needy communities in order for them to create jobs for those who need them. They have also developed a wealth of resource materials and conduct conferences, workshops, and seminars to help the Church become aware of the desperate economic needs in the US and how Christians can bring Christ to communities when they help meet these needs. Check it out at

Just yesterday, I learned of another group whose mission is "to teach Christians how to produce economic stability in their homes and neighborhoods. ...the overall objective, says Pastor Anderson, is to change the mindset of Christians in economically troubled or poverty situations so that the cycle of poverty and suffering can be broken." The "Churchpreneur" program training began this month. Their goal is to put 500 new Christian business operators into their church's surrounding community. WOW!!

Do you think the Lord's trying to tell us something? Hmmm! I think he already did when he said in James two, What good is it my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such a faith save him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well, keep warm and well fed." but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

I think we're all on the right track! Will you praythat ICDI, SSE, CCDA, Churchpreneur, and GiA will stay on the right track?

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Networking is one of those words that seemed to appear out of nowhere; become a popular "buzz-word"; and then fade into that great word heaven ~ out there, somewhere ~ only to be replaced by another, "cooler" word or phrase. (Cool! Now there's one that's been gone a while.) I can't remember what's being used now in place of networking.

God's in the networking business. Here's a brief version of one of many networks He's put together for grace in ACTION usa.

After grace in ACTION was conceived, I often prayed and thought about the kinds of enterprises which would work in places like Jackson, KY. One day the Holy Spirit began to talk to me about raising alpaca. (Have your herd about alpaca?) ;-) It seemed like a reasonable idea, since alpaca are native to the mountains of Peru, South America, where the terrain is much like eastern Kentucky.. So I began to check it out on the internet. I even visited a wonderful alpaca ranch in Ohio.

A few months later, we were having lunch with friends from out of town. As I was telling them about GiA, I mentioned the alpaca idea. My friend, Sue, said, "You should get in touch with Kathy M from our church. She's really into alpaca! I'll send you her email address." When I contacted Kathy M, I learned that she and her partner, Cathy P, not only invest in alpaca, they are experts on the animals, and have formed The Alpaca Mission, with the goal of ministering to the poor. And, speaking of networks! They have the most incredible connections in the Alpaca Industry which are leading to amazing prospects for GiA and TAM as we pursue the possibilities together.

But wait!! The alpaca network goes on. GiA is networking with Self-Sustaining Enterprises (SSE), another organization with a similar mission. Their founder is actively pursuing ways to multiply both our ministries to the poor using alpaca, their fleece, and by products. You can check out SSE by clicking on Links from this blog.

LINKS!! Is that the word that's replacing networking?

Monday, January 23, 2006

Mondays and Mornings

I like Mondays.

Sorry about that! But I really do like Mondays! I suppose that's because it's part of my DNA to like new beginnings, and even though Monday is the second day of the week, for most of us it signals the beginning of a new week.

I probably like mornings for the same reason.. Early morning, when the house is quiet, the sun's coming up, and I can have a fresh start ~ what's not to like?

In some ways, grace in ACTION usa is like a Monday morning! It offers a fresh start to those who wish to work. It provides opportunities for the body of Christ to experience the joy of seeing a new day dawn for another, less fortunate brother or sister. It opens the eyes of Christians to ways they can meet needs in their own communities.

Do you have a hard time with Mondays? Do you have to drag yourself out of bed each morning? Even if it's not in your DNA, contact me and we'll plug you in to ways you can serve others through GiA. I guarantee you'll be eager for each new day no matter what time you have to get up ~ even if it's Monday!

Friday, January 20, 2006

At Work In Pajamas?

Are you one of those enterprising people who've set up a home office? It's not just a place where you retreat to pay bills or read a good book. It's where you actually run your business. Well, more power to you!

With apologies to my friend Chuck Proudfit who created At Work On Purpose (AWOP), let me introduce you to AWIP...At Work In Pajamas. You've seen the commercials; the woman's at the computer ~ in her pajamas ~ there's a baby in a carrier (hopefully asleep); another child plays nearby; and the buzzer's going off because it's time to take the cookies out of the oven. And the ad is telling you how great it is to do things this way.

And heaven forbid your business has customers who come to the house. "Just a minute! I have to put the dog out." "Here, let me clear these papers off the couch so you can sit down." "I know I have your file here somewhere." "Tabby ~ get off the table!" I decided to use another caterer.

Maybe it works for a few super moms and dads, but I'm discovering it helps to be focused. This week I've determined that I will not stop in the laundry (which is right outside the office door) to throw some clothes in the dryer. I will stay focused until the day's work is complete. As a matter of fact, I did such a good job of focusing, I forgot to do the laundry at all.

When grace in ACTION usa conducts it Jobs Skills training, working in your pajamas will be strongly discouraged. It is our purpose to "enable personal development through education, training, funding assistance, and accountability and educate those who wish to work by providing opportunities to learn employable skills and principles of ownership." With God's help, this will empower people to achieve the dignity which motivates them to get up, get dressed, and get to work.

Are you AWIP? Try getting dressed, being focused, and AWOP.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

You will be made rich . . .

Want to get rich?
You will be made rich. That grabs your attention, doesn't it? No, it wasn't written on a strip of paper in a fortune cookie. Paul wrote this to the Corinthians in his second letter. "You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion." 2 Cor 9:11

Want to be remembered?
In the same paragraph Paul reminded his friends of something they had probably heard at synagogue from Psalm 112. "Godly people give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will never be forgotten."

Want to be rewarded?
Then Paul ices the cake with this. "...when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will break out in thanksgiving to God!" Those in need are helped by your generosity and God receives the glory. What better reward could there be?

This principle is key to the ministry of grace in ACTION usa. Because, you see, we are the rich! You and I, who make more than $15,000 annually, are in the top 1% economically. The rest of the world are the poor. Many in third world countries make on average a dollar a day! Some of the poor live in your own back yard, or in the next county, or in Jackson, Kentucky, reputed to be the second poorest county in the US.

So ask yourself, "Why do I want to be made rich? Is it so I can be generous on every occasion?" I pray it is.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

What Kind of Shoe are You?

Some time ago I held a Women's Ministry seminar entitled, "No One Else Can Fill Your Shoes"
Part of one of the sessions included a fun little exercise I called, "What Kind of Shoe Are You?" Each woman was to think about what kind of shoe she would be ~ if she were a shoe. Not what kind of shoes do you like ~ but what kind of shoe are you?

That took some thought. Some women never did figure it out. Some knew right away. Others were surprised by what they'd look like, were they a shoe!.

Well, let's see. If you're a woman, there are way too many choices! But you guys will have an easier time deciding. Besides you're saying to yourself, "Who cares?" Right? Well, think about it just a minute. Are you a loafer? That tells me a lot! And girls, what does it say about you if you picture yourself as a little plastic slide covered with glitter? Hmmm!

I'd be a sandal. I'm open, free spirited, spontaneous, joyful, whimsical, comfortable to "wear" (I hope); and vulnerable to having my toes stepped on, but that's to be expected. Sometimes sandals aren't too dependable, so the analogy breaks down there. You can count on me!

Well, by now you get the picture. The point isn't what kind of shoe you are; it's that no one else can fill your shoes. You are the only size and style God made in that one. The only one!! You are unique; one of a kind; necessary to complete his wardrobe, if you will. The work he's designed for you can't be done by someone else trying to fit into your shoes.

So, get out the polish, shine up those shoes, put them on, and fulfill God's purposes for you today.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Making a Difference

In my personal blog summary I mentioned some of the things I'm passionate about. The last on the list is sports. My passion didn't help the Colts one bit today! I'm a fan ~ short for fanatic! And I'm loyal to my team, even when they loose. But it still didn't make a difference this afternoon. Pittsburg was just too much for Indianapolis, 55,000 passionate fans in the stands, not withstanding!

My first passion is prayer. What's so great about this passion is it does make a difference!! Sad to say, it took me years to learn that. I frankly thought God was going to do what he'd planned all along and my prayers would have no impact on him or make any difference to his purposes. WRONG!! When I began praying; God began listening. When he bagan listening; things began to happen. When things began to happen; I began to pray more, expect more, and realize more and more the difference my prayers made.

One of the best Christmas gifts Jesse & and I ever received was prayer partners. Our son, Jon, asked some friends to pray for us; one for each day of the week. As you can imagine, we responded in kind. Those daily prayer partners have seen us through heart surgery, job loss, personal heartaches, and many joys. God only knows the difference we've made in each others' lives.

It's difficult to pass on your passion! If I could, I'd give you a shot of my passion for prayer, so you could experience the amazing results. Don't just take my word for it; try it!!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

God, You, and Your Silent Partners

grace in ACTION usa was founded because God, through the Holy Spirit, urged one woman to help make a difference economically in Jackson, Kentucky. Realizing how impossible that task would be for her, she enlisted a group of friends who became the GiA Prayer Team. These silent partners are the key to all that's happened since March, 2005.

Here's just one story of God's prayer provision.

In order to begin any kind of business enterprise in conjunction with a church, people other than the pastor must be found, challenged, prepared, and willing to help. The Jackson GBC or as they preferred to be called, The Happy Church, came into the Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches in the summer of 2004. Soon after that, GiA began communicating with Pastor Mike and Connie Tabor about ways we might help the people of his church and community. At that time, there were no good prospects in the church to serve as a Local Enterprise Coordinator. But, God. . .

In January, 2005, God planted John and Chris Jacobson in Jackson, because John's work as a meterologist assigned him there. The Jacobsons aren't your typical eastern Kentucky small town folks. John's a seminary grad; he's served in the military, worked with a mission to internationals, and is now a chief meterologist for Eastern Kentucky. An acquaintance from Ohio told John and Chris about The Happy Church and they began attending there.

Although neither of the Jacobsons have experience in starting a business, God has provided the help, advice, and counsel needed through two GiA board members. I'm sure there are days when John wonders what in the world he's doing there ~ but because of his silent partners ~ God has enabled him to persevere and do a great job.

We are just beginning to learn what God will do when we join our hearts in united prayer. What a great way to live ~ wondering with great anticipaton what God's going to do today through answered prayer.

God and you and your silent partners! That's an unbeatable combinationII

Friday, January 13, 2006

Happy BLOG Birthday, grace in ACTION usa

And thanks Tom Avey for helping launch the grace in ACTION usa web log.

grace in ACTION usa was formed to inspire and assist churches that wish to impact their communities mainly through economic development. But it's much more than just creating jobs for people in need. It's changing lives from the inside out, as we teach and train, mentor and encourage in our Community Life Centers.

"Little did John Jacobson know when his employment as chief meteorologist for eastern Kentucky took him and his wife, Chris, to Jackson that God would plant them in the middle of a church were his theological training, missions, experience, and business expertise would make such an impact. (to read the complete story of giA's first business enterprise, go to and click on Helping Churches Through Economic Development.)

To borrow a phrase from The Home Depot, "They can do it; you can help!"

The Happy Ship & More store needs salable items in good condition. If you live in the midwest and would like to donate things like antiques, books, jewelry, vintage linens, collectibles, curios, new or slightly used clothing, electronic equipment, and anything unique, contact gladys deloe at for instructions. Your tax-deductible contributions will help support someone struggling to become whole. What a great birthday gift to them and grace in ACTION usa!

All together now, "Happy Birthday to you!"