grace in ACTION, usa

Wholistic churches impacting their communities through economic development.

Monday, July 24, 2006

"Where two or three are gathered. . . "

Have you ever noticed that almost everyone has a prayer "formula." I just saw an ad for a book entitled, The Prayer That Changes Everything! One prayer will change everything!! Better send for that right away!!

I don't have a formula, but I have observed that Satan's unhappy with the prayer revival that's happening in The Church. That's the church, not your church or my church; The Church, universal. Thank God for this new burden that's sweeping Christendom.

I'm pleased to be part of a prayer group that focuses on praying for God's work in North America. We pray because "North America is the only continent where Christianity is not growing!" When the group began a few years ago, we often had 10 or 15 in attendance, over a lunch hour ~ and over 20 who received the requests via email.

In the last year, attendance had dwindled to six or seven regulars and then one by one, our faithful few began to die. There are now four who are able to attend regularly ~ and one of them has been struggling with the death of her dear husband (one of our group who just went to be with the Lord), so she's not been with us.

A couple of weeks ago Jesse and I were the only ones who prayed. "Where two or three.... ." So we "gathered together" and the Holy Spirit was right there, saying what we didn't know how to say and taking the longings of our hearts before the Father. Jesus was there, too, interceding at the throne. And the Father was dispatching his angels to do his work in answer to our prayers. Thank you! Thank you, God!!

Do you wonder why the scripture says "two or three?"

When I'm the only one left, will He be there with me?

You bet!!

P.S. There is still an email band of men and women who receive the North America Prayer Team requests weekly! Praise the Lord. He's at work, through our prayers.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Just Do It!!

I think my favorite advertising slogan is Nike's Just Do It!

How many books have been written, seminars conducted, or messages preached on any given topic which left you feeling more confused and guilty because you haven't been able to put into practice the things you learned at the last workshop? I know the feeling!

Often, it's that way with prayer, which is really what I want to talk about. I recall distinctly a day long seminar on prayer we attended years ago when we spent no time praying!! We have to decide what prayer is; when we must spend time praying ; (If you don't do it the first thing in the morning, you may as well write off the day.) the room, position, order of contents, etc, etc.

When was the last time you talked to your father, husband, wife, sister, son or daughter? Did you go through a laundry list of dos and don'ts before you began the conversation? Not likely.... especially if you have a good relationship with the one you're talking to. You just did it!!

So, talk to your heavenly Father that way! Day or night; morning or evening; long talks or short! In depth discussions about a big decision; concerns about your next move; intercession for a friend or a ministry! When the news is good; when it's unbearable! When he gives and when he takes it all away. When the Holy Spirit's bringing someone to mind you haven't thought of in years. May your first response be to pray!

Praying is like many things in life ~ you don't realize how great it is until you begin to do it.


Friday, July 07, 2006

Who's Counting?

Jesse and I celebrated 50 years of marriage last Thursday (June 29). I almost choke when I say that outloud. Know how many days that is? Eighteen thousand, two hundred and fifty! But, who's counting? It doesn't take you very long to do the math and realize we must be way past 49 and holding. Actually, I'm 29.95 + shipping and handling! Jesse's ageless!

Like so many things, the anticipation was really a big part of the fun. We truly enjoyed the open house our children hosted. But now that it's over and we're back in the routines of our lives, we've almost forgotten that we've reached this milestone. Fifty years doesn't seem all that long either. These days, there are lots of people who are celebrating 60 and 70 ~ even 75 years of marriage. So we have a lot of love time left! God willing!!

The Psalmist urges us to "number our days." Many people forget how short life can be. We feel ageless and invincible when things are going well and we're feeling great. But an illness or accident remind us how frail and precious life is.

I hope the Lord is pleased to give us 10 or 20 more years of marriage. But I'm not counting or counting on it! I want to enjoy each day ~ one at a time ~ and praise him for the opportunity to serve him and others for another 24 hours.